New leaflet on the way

This weekend, despite the atrocious weather (which with a bit of luck will demonstrate to Taylor Wimpey and Peel the folly of building on waterlogged fields) we’ll be out delivering our leaflet encouraging a “last push” for people to object.

Key themes / concerns of residents seem to be as follows:

  • Neither the Masterplan/Design Code or Planning application meet the requirements of the RBC Local Plan
  • The Masterplan does not include the whole site as all developers are not represented
  • Concerns over the phasing/how the development will be built have not been adequately addressed
  • There is no comprehensive traffic assessment for the whole of Edenfield
  • The road infra structure required for development of the whole site is not adequately addressed
  • The Design Code produced by ECNF with support of RBC has not been considered
  • The scale, density and character of the development is not in keeping with the village
  • Concerns on ecology, drainage and flood risk are not adequately addressed
  • There is no detail on the provision of local services required to supplement the development
  • Sufficient school places to support the development are not adequately addressed
  • Concerns regarding the environmental impact are not adequately addressed

Our leaflet will encourage people to formally object via the council planning site as well as by completing a form on the leaflet and returning it to us. Alternatively, if you can’t face going out in the rain, you can add your details to this form on our website to confirm that you agree with our objections based on the above bullet points. If you have multiple adults in your household, please ask everybody to fill it in. We’d like to demonstrate that Edenfield is opposed to inappropriate development, whilst remaining open to discussions about sensible numbers of new homes in the village.

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