Q & A

Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan – What’s it all about?

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
A Neighbourhood Plan is a planning document that guides and shapes development in a designated area. The Plan is created by the community.

Who will prepare the Neighbourhood Plan?
Our recently formed community group called the Edenfield Neighbourhood Forum will develop the Neighbourhood Plan for Edenfield. The Forum at present is made up of 200 members who live or work in Edenfield. It has commissioned planning advisors to help develop and advise on the preparation of the neighbourhood plan.

How long will it take to prepare a neighbourhood plan?
A Neighbourhood Plan can take up to two years from start to finish. However, it is important that a draft Neighbourhood Plan for Edenfield is ready for early 2019 to coincide with the submission of the Rossendale Local Plan to the Planning Inspectorate.

What weight will be given to Neighbourhood Plan in planning decisions?
When adopted, the Neighbourhood Plan will be a statutory planning document and will have significant weight on the planning decisions made in Edenfield.

Who will pay for the Neighbourhood Planning process?
It will be up to the Forum to pay for the preparation of the plan. A grant has been made by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) to provide support for the cost of preparing the plan. However, this grant does not cover all the costs, so the Forum is also raising funds through community events and donations.

Will Rossendale Borough Council provide any financial support?
No, Rossendale Council does not provide financial support to produce a plan. Rossendale Council via a grant from Central Government will fund and organise the examination and referendum once the Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared.

What is Rossendale Council’s role in the Neighbourhood Planning process?They have a duty to provide technical advice and support to communities producing a Neighbourhood Plan.

How much work is involved in the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan
The Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan is in the early stages of development and more information will be available soon. The views of residents will be obtained through questionnaires and consultations. The amount of work involved will largely depend on the level of detail that it is included in the Plan. There are minimum statutory requirements, such as a Sustainability Appraisal and Statement of Community Involvement, which will need to be completed alongside the Plan.

How does the Community approve a Neighbourhood Plan?
Before a Neighbourhood Plan can come into force, it must be voted on by the local community in a referendum. It is necessary that more than 50% of those voting in the referendum vote ‘yes’ to bring the Plan into force.

What are the benefits of having a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood Plans are intended to give local people a direct say in the future development of their area. A Neighbourhood Plan gives local people the chance to create a planning document that guides and shapes development in their local communities.

How long does a Neighbourhood Plan last?
There is no Government guidance on how long a plan should last, but a typical plan period would be about 10-15 years.

How do I get involved?
If you would like to join the Management Committee of the Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum, make a donation or just become a member.
Contact us via email: info@edenfieldcommunityforum.uk or
complete this form on our website