For information folks. We’ve highlighted the really important elements in BOLD. When objecting to the Masterplan, Design Codes and Taylor Wimpeys planning application, reference this document.
RBC’s – The local Plan sets out these specific points for H66 – Land West of Market Street, Edenfield
Development for approximately 400 houses would be supported provided that:
1. The comprehensive development of the entire site is demonstrated through a masterplan with an agreed programme of implementation and phasing;
2. The development is implemented in accordance with an agreed design code;
3. A Transport Assessment is provided demonstrating that the site can be safely and suitably accessed by all users, including disabled people, prior to development taking place on site. In particular:
i. safe vehicular access points to the site are achieved from the field adjacent to no. 5 Blackburn Road and from the field opposite nos. 88 –116 Market Street. Full details of access, including the number of access points, will be determined through the Transport Assessment work and agreed with the Local Highway Authority;
ii. agree suitable mitigation measures in respect of the capacity of Market Street to accommodate additional traffic. Improvements will be needed to the Market Street corridor from Blackburn Road to the mini-roundabout near the Rawstron Arms. Measures to assist pedestrian and vulnerable road users will be required
4. A Heritage Statement and Impact Assessment is provided and suitable mitigation measures are identified and secured to conserve, and where possible, enhance the setting of the Church, the non-designated heritage assets which include Chatterton Hey (Heaton House), Mushroom House, and the former Vicarage, and the other designated and non-designated heritage assets in the area;
5. Specific criteria for the design and layout needs to take account of:
i. Retention and strengthening of the woodland enclosures to the north and south of the Church
ii. The layout of the housing parcels should be designed to allow views to the Church to continue
iii. The relationship of the new dwellings to the Recreation Ground to ensure safe non-vehicular access is provided
iv. Public open space to be provided along the woodland area south of the brook/Church enclosure
v. Landscaping of an appropriate density and height is implemented throughout the site to ‘soften’ the overall impact of the development and provide a buffer to the new Green Belt boundary
vi. Materials and boundary treatments should reflect the local context
6. An Ecological Assessment is undertaken which identifies suitable mitigation measures for any adverse impacts particularly on the Woodland Network and stepping stone habitat located within the site.
7. Compensatory improvements must be provided to the Green Belt land in proximity of the site in accordance with Policy SD4
8. Geotechnical investigations will be required to confirm land stability and protection of the A56, and consideration paid to the suitability or not of sustainable drainage systems on the boundary adjoining the A56
9. Provision will be required to expand either Edenfield CE Primary School or Stubbins Primary School from a 1 form entry to a 1.5 form entry primary school, and for a secondary school contribution subject to the Education Authority. Land to the rear of Edenfield CE Primary School which may be suitable is shown on the Policies Map as ‘Potential School and Playing Field Extension’. Any proposals to extend the schools into the Green Belt would need to be justified under very special circumstances and the provisions of paragraph 144 of the NPPF;
10. Noise and air quality impacts will need to be investigated and necessary mitigation measures secured;
11. Consideration should be given to any potential future road widening on the amenity of any dwellings facing the A56.
It goes on to say……..
120 Exceptional circumstances have been demonstrated to support the release of this land lying between the A56 and Market Street in Edenfield from the Green Belt. The area is very open in character and allows views of the surrounding hills and moors and will require a well-designed scheme that responds to the site’s context, makes the most of the environmental, heritage and leisure assets, and delivers the necessary sustainability, transport, connectivity, accessibility (including public transport) and infrastructure requirements.
121 Rossendale Council therefore requires a Masterplan and will work in partnership with key landowners and key stakeholders, including the Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum, to ensure a Masterplan is prepared.
123 Sensitive landscaping using native species will be required in order to provide a suitable buffer to the new Green Belt boundary. Any biodiversity improvements should be directed to this landscaped area as well as to the mature woodland, identified as a stepping stone habitat.
124 Due to the removal of the site from Green Belt it is necessary that there are compensatory improvements to the Green Belt within the local area in accordance with SD4 in particular these should relate to proposals identified at Edenfield Cricket Club and Edenfield and Stubbins Schools. Compensatory measures could also be directed towards footpath and cycleway improvements in the vicinity as set out in the Council’s Green Belt Compensation Document.
125 Any proposed development must make a positive contribution to the local environment and consider the site’s form and character, reflecting the setting of features such as the Grade II* Listed Edenfield Parish Church and incorporating appropriate mitigation. Development must be of a high quality design using construction methods and materials that make a positive contribution to design quality, character and appearance. The development must contribute towards the sustainable use of resources. Implementation of development must be in accordance with an agreed Design Code/Masterplan across the whole development. The layout should be designed to allow glimpsed views towards the Church to continue, for example, by aligning the principle road(s) along a north[1]south or north east – south west axis, and building heights restricted.
126 In light of the site’s natural features and relationship to surrounding uses, development is likely to come forward in a number of distinct phases. The infrastructure associated with the overall development and each individual phase will be subject to the production of a phasing and infrastructure delivery schedule to be contained in the Masterplan. Site access will be a key consideration.
127 Development proposals will be subject to a Scoping Study, a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan. This must be agreed with Lancashire County Council. Appropriate measures must be put in place to address any impacts the development may have on the strategic and local road networks. A Travel Plan will seek to ensure that the development promotes the use of public transport, walking and cycling.