As well as encouraging Edenfield residents to object to the Master Plan produced by Taylor Wimpey for Edenfield, we also produced our own objection.
In summary we objected for the reasons outlined below, the full objection letter is also reproduced:
- The Taylor Wimpey Master Plan does not cover the whole site H66 as per SSP.
Two other site owners were not involved. - Taylor Wimpey misrepresented the consultation by describing is as “for the whole of the H66”.
- Taylor Wimpey also misrepresented Peel L&P as a party to the MDC.
- The MDC does not include agreed program of implementation and phasing, contrary to SSP
- Comprehensive development of the whole site is not demonstrated (no planned highway, drainage, landscaping, or contributions assessed)
- MDC minimises the view of H66 from east of Market Street.
- There is no agreed design code in accordance with SSP and Strategic Policy.
- Design code in emerging Neighbourhood Plan should be basis for design and layout of H66.
- Rossendale Borough Council can lead production of comprehensive masterplan and design code if landowners do not produce it.
- Rossendale Borough Council must insist on comprehensive masterplan and design code for the whole site, this was a condition of removing H66 from Green Belt.