Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum

Breaking News

The last consultation period closed on 10th June and Rossendale Borough Council are once again consulting on a revised Edenfield Masterplan/Design Code (ref Version 5 or V5) for site H66
see https://www.rossendale.gov.uk/local-plan/edenfield-masterplan

Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum (ECNF) remains of the view that this should be
rejected as most of the previous concerns that we raised have still not been addressed. There were 107 objections to version 4 of the Master Plan. Taylor Wimpey were given sight of the V4 objections which explains how they have been able to prepare V5 of their plan so quickly.

We remain concerned about:

  • Traffic and pedestrian safety.
  • Phasing of building works.
  • Lack of supporting infrastructure (especially school places and healthcare).
  • ECNF design code has not been adequately considered.
  • Cramped development with limited green spaces.
  • Flood risk and land stability issues.
  • Proposed parking restrictions will have an adverse effect on existing residents.
  • Negative effect on local business in terms of “footfall”.
  • Proposed further release of greenbelt for car parking.

Please let us know your concerns and contact Rossendale Council at [email protected] .

The last consultation period only closed on the 10th June. This latest consultation period closes on 19th July. Please contact [email protected] with your concerns.
(The more personal the comments the better!!)

ECNF will prepare their own response and will share it as soon as it is available.