As part of our detailed objections to the Master Plan and Planning Application submitted by Taylor Wimpey late in 2022, ECNF worked with SK Transport Planning Ltd to produce a report describing our concerns related to transport in Edenfield.
Broadly, these concerns were:
- Taylor Wimpey was “salami-slicing” the plans for development in Edenfield in an apparent attempt to avoid a cumulative assessment of the impacts of the housing allocation on the village.
- There is no detailed assessment of all access points to and form the surrounding highway network.
- There is no clear assessment of the impacts (in traffic and transport terms) of the 400 residential unit allocation on the surrounding highway network
- There is no mitigation strategy, to both promote sustainable travel to and from the site, and also mitigate the impacts of the development on the village, the surrounding highway network and the Market Street corridor as required by Lancashire County Council
- By removing the car parking and not widening the eastern footway to 2m all southbound traffic will route immediately adjacent to the 1m footway and the front elevations of the residential properties on the eastern side of Market Street, creating an unattractive corridor for pedestrians to use.
- Junction visibility, the proposed entry and exit from Market Street fails to take into account the 85th percentile speeds of vehicles on Market Street which were found to be in excess of 30mph, without any adjustment for wet weather speeds.
- There is no comprehensive corridor assessment taking into account the impact of the additional traffic generated by the residential allocation, along with construction traffic to the sites needs to be carefully assessed along this corridor. Any assessment should take into account the existing volume of parked vehicles on the carriageway and the effect this has narrowing the carriageway width at each end of Market Street. (Effectively reducing the corridor to a single lane.)
- There is no road safety audit.
- Clarification is sought from the applicant as to their intention to use the Exchange Street/Market Street junction, and what mitigation measures will be implemented to overcome the substandard visibility for motorists exiting onto Market Street in this location.
The detailed report can be viewed here: