How to object

****It is important to object to both the masterplan and planning application****

Image showing steps that Edenfield residents must take to object to either the Edenfield Masterplan or the Taylor Wimpey planning application

The above image is available as a PDF at the link below. The PDF file includes “clickable” links to the Rossendale Council website masterplan and planning comments.

You may want to review the following documents as you consider the points that you’d like to raise in your objection:

What is a masterplan?
Taylor Wimpey’s masterplan – note that this isn’t technically a masterplan since only relates to one developer, rather than including all of Edenfield.
ECNF summary of the Rossendale Local Plan
ECNF design code for Edenfield
Advice on what constitutes a valid planning objection.
The Taylor Wimpey Planning Application for site H66 (Land west of Market Street, Edenfield).

Remember if you’re writing or emailing the council. Include your name and postal address and don;t forget to include your objections and references to either “Edenfield Master Plan” or “Planning Application 2022/0451”.

If you want to:Contact
Object to Master Plan by
Object to Master Plan by postForward Planning Team
Rossendale Borough Council
Business Centre
Futures Park
OL13 0BB
Object to Taylor Wimpey Planning
Application 2022/0451 online
Object to Taylor Wimpey Planning
Application 2022/0451 by email
Object to Taylor Wimpey Planning
Application 2022/0451 by post
Planning and Building Control
Rossendale Borough Council
Business centre
Futures Park
OL13 0BB