We’ve spotted an interesting reply from Lancashire County Council Highways department to the plan submitted by Taylor Wimpey for development of houses on the H66 site.
At first glance LCC Highways appears to say that the application does not meet the requirements of the Local Plan due to the lack of a Master Plan and Comprehensive Transport Assessment. They also raise issues relating to the site itself and access.
We’ll be discussing this at our next meeting looking into the following concerns:
- Removal of kerbside parking would be required
- Pedestrian refuge would be required
- Waiting restrictions would be required – does this mean double yellow lines for Market Street?
(Last night we counted 32 vehicles on Market Street that would have to find other places to park, if this plan was to go ahead). - Bus stops will need to me moved/upgraded
(Including the one between Heyrcrofts View and Elizabeth Street) - Some houses may have garages that are too small for a parked car and insufficient parking spaces have been allocated for the larger (4 bedroom properties). This means that the amount of parking in the proposed development has been understated.
- The proposed internal roads in the development are a mixture of 5.5m and 4.9m widths. To be considered for adoption Lancashire County Council request a carriageway width of 5.5m with 2m wide footways.
In summary, the LCC Highways team is objecting to the proposed development until the above concerns are addressed. You can read their objection here or (if supported in your browser) in the frame below.
There is no way Edenfield and the surrounding area’s can keep on coping with developments of this scale. Taylor Wimpy seem to do as they never listening to local peoples concerns. They have am application in off Grane Road in Helmshore there are many issues there which there so called experts who get paid by the company to say what the company pays them to say. All around the Rossendale area including Edenfield there is a lack of infrastructure like doctor’s, dentists our health services are are struggling to cope with the amount of people. Plus all of our services like sewage our road’s are falling apart. Our infrastructure needs drastically upgrading before anymore estates are built. Bit of common sense from our councils and planning departments would be good. Enough is Enough.