Chatterton Hey field
We have been informed by the Methodist Church who own this land that a topographical survey of the site will take place next week (commencing 12th February). This survey will map the contours of the site which will be necessary for planning any future development. It does not mean that a planning application is imminent – we believe that is still some way off.
H66 update
The most recent consultations which were on the latest Masterplan and Design Code and the Northstone planning application ended in November. Again there were a considerable number of objections from residents for which we thank you.
We have regular meetings with the Council’s Planning department (our last one was on 22nd January) so we are kept up to date with what is going on with the applications and we are able to put forward our comments. The most important unresolved issues at the moment are the revisions required to the masterplan, the village wide traffic proposals and the land stability of the Taylor Wimpey site.
The Transport Assessments included in the Masterplan and in the TW planning application are totally inadequate. The Council are very much aware of this and arranged for Lancashire County Council Highways (who are responsible for the roads) to join our meeting in November. At the meeting LCC concluded that the best way forward was for TW to review their proposals and for there to be a multiparty meeting to discuss in detail all the proposals and the issues. This would involve LCC Highways, TW, Rossendale Council and the Forum. To date no further proposals have been put forward by TW and no date has been set for a meeting. We therefore believe that neither the masterplan nor the planning applications can progress at the present time.
At the request of the Council TW commissioned a Land Stability Report for their site which highlighted a number of concerns about stability, contamination and flooding.
The Council have appointed their own consultants (Mott MacDonald) to review the findings and give advice. Their final report should be published soon.
All documents related to the Masterplan and Design Code can be viewed on the Council website:
These documents include two letters issued by Mike Atherton (Head of Planning & Building Control) to TW setting out a number of matters that he believes need attention by developers.
All documents related to the TW planning application can be viewed on the Council website: The application number is 2022/0451.
Neighbourhood Plan
Following the Regulation 14 consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan which was held in April last year we have considered all the comments received from residents, statutory consultees and others as well as any changes to planning regulations and guidelines. The Plan has now been updated where appropriate and it will be submitted to the Council in the next few days. They will check that all the necessary documentation has been provided before engaging in a six week public consultation.
The Plan and comments received during the consultation will then be reviewed by an independent Examiner whose report may request further changes. The final version will be put to a referendum of Edenfield residents.
After adoption the Plan will be used by the Council when considering planning applications relating to the village.
We will be posting the latest Plan documents on the Forum website shortly.
Annual General Meeting
The fourth AGM of the Forum will be held on Tuesday 26th March at 7.45pm in the Edenfield Community Centre. The Notice of Meeting, agenda and other papers will be sent out to all members in early March.
We will again also be inviting non-members to the meeting which will be an opportunity to explain what the Forum does and for residents to ask questions of the members of the Management Committee. This will hopefully generate increased support for our future work and lead to more residents joining the Forum.
We hope that you can attend and please encourage any non-members to also attend. There are vacancies on the Management Committee so please consider if you would like to put your name forward. You can put your name forward even if you are unable to attend the meeting. If you want to let us know in advance or if you need further details of what is involved you can e-mail us at
Thank you for your continuing support.