Canute was wise, but is Taylor Wimpey?

In the 12th century, Henry of Huntingdon wrote down the story of King Canute and the tide.

In the story, King Canute demonstrated that he couldn’t hold back the incoming tide to show that he had no control over the elements. He explained to his courtiers, that despite his power as a King, he had no power over the elements.

In our FaceBook post yesterday, we asked whether the retaining walls proposed across the fields to shore up the planned Taylor Wimpey developments would hold up against the perils of landslips which Taylor Wimpey concede are a risk to development. Many people commented on the increasing likelihood of problems once the land behind the retaining walls becomes waterlogged.

We think that these unsightly walls are not in keeping with our village and coupled with the houses built from a mixture of different materials which ignores our proposed design code, they will spoil the character of our village forever.

If you agree with this, please make sure that you object to Taylor Wimpey’s Master Plan for Edenfield and push for more appropriate housing to meet Rossendale’s requirements, rather than the profits of a developer and the council tax receipts of our council.

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