Market Street Masterplan
As you are probably aware Taylor Wimpey and Anwyl Land last week distributed leaflets to most homes in the village entitled “Market Street Masterplan”. This gives general proposals by which they will improve the village by building 400 houses! We feel that it does not adequately address a number of unresolved issues particularly that of the vast increase in traffic on our already busy roads.
This is a public consultation which gives an opportunity for residents to give their views by e-mail – or by completing an online questionnaire on the website – . We encourage you to let the developers know what you think before the deadline of 6th July. The Forum will also be submitting detailed comments to Taylor Wimpey and Anwyl Land on the proposals which we will subsequently share with residents.
Annual General Meeting
We have scheduled the second AGM of the Forum for 7.45pm on Thursday 14th July at the Edenfield Community Centre, Exchange Street. The Notice of Meeting and agenda has been emailed to all members.
As mentioned in our previous update in March we are taking this opportunity to invite non-members to the meeting. This will hopefully lead to more residents joining the Forum and get more ideas and support for our future work on the Neighbourhood Plan and challenging the developers’ masterplan and planning applications. A copy of a leaflet that we are circulating in the village is available here:
We hope that you can attend and please encourage any non-members to also attend. Also, there are vacancies on the Management Committee so please consider if you would like to put your name forward. You can put your name forward even if you are unable to attend the meeting.