Rossendale BC writes to Taylor Wimpey expressing concerns

Rossendale Borough Council’s Head of Planning & Building Control, Mike Atherton has written to Taylor Wimpey’s partner, Pegasus Group outlining the council’s concerns with the recent Masterplan and design codes submitted by Pegasus Group in September 2023.

The letters have been summarised below and are available to read in full on the Edenfield Masterplan page on the Rossendale Council website.

Summary of letter from 22nd November

The letter from Mike Atherton addresses concerns about design and landscaping issues arising from the Site H66 Masterplan and Design Codes presented by Pegasus Group on behalf of Taylor Wimpey for the land west of Market Street, Edenfield. The Local Planning Authority has reviewed the revised Masterplan and Design Code, identifying several areas needing amendment:

  • Key Features: Modify the response on page 72 to mandate contrasting materials or elevated design features at important junctions and nodal points.
  • High-Quality Design of House Types: Amend page 77 to include innovative designs and feature glazing, ensuring a variety of house types throughout the development.
  • Materials: Include natural and reconstituted stone in the building materials for Village Streets (page 84) and Chatterton South (page 86). Expand the brick range in Edenfield North.
  • Boundary Treatments: Incorporate dry stone walls and hedges along Market Street and Blackburn Road. Address front, side, and rear boundary treatments, specifying natural stone for visible retaining walls.
  • Permeability and Multi-User Link: Emphasise permeability within streets and show the proposed green route on the Masterplan.
  • Driveways and Private Drives: Extend the use of permeable block paving beyond visually prominent locations and remove references to tarmac.
  • Public Open Space: Integrate green spaces within the development and connect the new development to the existing settlement pattern.
  • Long Views: Ensure key views, including to Edenfield Parish Church, are maintained in the Masterplan/Design Codes.
  • Boundary Treatments with Green Belt: Commit to dry stone walls and hedgerows for boundary treatments with retained Green Belt land and clarify acoustic barrier treatment on the A56 boundary.

The letter concludes by reserving the right to request further amendments and indicates ongoing discussions on other issues.

Summary of letter from 8th December
The second letter outlines other concerns and required amendments to the Site H66 Masterplan and Design Codes. The focus is on the need for a detailed implementation and phasing programme, adherence to highway standards, public rights of way, drainage, education, biodiversity, and Green Belt compensation measures.

  • Phasing & Implementation: The letter states that the submitted programme is unsatisfactory as it resembles a list of potential planning obligations rather than a detailed sequence of works. The council expects a realistic sequence and indication of when specific infrastructure works would commence and be completed.
  • Highways: The letter requests further details on highway improvements and traffic calming measures, emphasising ongoing discussions with Lancashire County Council.
  • Public Rights of Way (PROW): The need to address gaps in pedestrian/cycle access in the southern residential parcel and adherence to ‘Gear Change’ principles and LTN 1/20 for cycle route design.
  • Drainage: The Masterplan lacks details on foul drainage strategy and there is ongoing discussion regarding surface water drainage between United Utilities and Lancashire Local Flood Authority.
  • Education: A commitment to provide funding for necessary school site development and provision of land at no charge is requested.
  • Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG): The letter stresses that BNG and Green Belt Compensation are distinct and require separate planning contributions. More detailed proposals are needed, considering the progress of larger landowners like Taylor Wimpey and Northstone (Peel).
  • Green Belt Compensation Measures: Future development must comply with the Council’s adopted measures, and enhanced links between the development site and Ewood Bridge should be included.

The letter concludes by expressing the Council’s right to request further amendments and anticipation of a revised Masterplan, emphasising the importance of clear communication and adherence to policy requirements for the benefit of Edenfield residents.

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