Northstone (Peel) Planning Application

Several of our members have been in touch with us to ask about the consultation period for the latest planning application for large scale development in Edenfield.

As we reported at the weekend, Northstone have applied for planning permission to build 50 houses in the north of Edenfield. The application can be viewed on the council planning portal by following this link:

At the weekend we reported that notices had not been posted in the vicinity of the proposed building works. Today we spotted this notice on Blackburn Road at the SE corner of Northstone’s site. This notice is dated 10th November 2023, and confirms that the consultation period lasts for 21 days thereafter, i.e., until 1st December.

The notice states that the development will affect the “setting” of Edenfield Parish Church and notes that this is a listed building.

It doesn’t mention that the proposed car park which forms part of the application will be built on green belt land (which has not yet been released for development).

We note that the text below describes the location as “Development Adjacent Pinfold and Blackburn Road, Edenfield, Bury, Lancashire”. The highlighted text “And Development Adjacent Burnley Road” has been added by hand and refers to the proposed car park.

ECNF will respond to this in due course and would urge members to respond to the consultation on the planning website.

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