Thank you for your objections and support

In the run up to Christmas we encouraged Edenfield residents to object to the Taylor Wimpey planning application and so-called master plan for Edenfield. We were delighted with the response.

Thank you for your objections

As well as encouraging people to formally object via the council website. We created a form on our website to encourage objections. Over 220 people wrote directly to the council to object and 771 others added their names to the objection letters from ECNF. In a village with around 900 households, that’s a great response!

Social Media
We had great success on soclail media after we published our “protest song” in December, visits to our website and FaceBook page soared. So far the video has had over 5000 views on YouTube and our Facebook page!

Hopefully our “not so serious” video message will make council think seriously about the problems that they will cause for Edenfield if they approve the flawed Masterplan and associated planning application. Even if you aren’t a social media user, you can still view all of our social media posts in one page on our Social Media “wall”.

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  1. I recently located your social presence on the web regarding the development in (or about) the Town of Edenfield. In my humble opinion, this would be a mistake. Once the camel puts his nose under the tent, before long you better make room in the sleeping bag because he’s coming in.
    We used to enjoy a rural area in the Tampa Bay area of Florida but no more. The camel came (developers) and what used to take 10 minutes to drive to now takes an hour or even more in rush hour traffic. It’s sickening. I was born and raised here – fished the shores with my dad. Those areas are now gone and for the sake of who?
    Don’t make the same mistake. You can never go back.

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