Edenfield’s roads

To give you a feel for Edenfield, this page includes a selection of images, many taken from wikimedia.

"Finger Post" junction, Edenfield - geograph.org.uk - 1547898Finger Post junction Edenfield, looking North from Church Lane towards Rawtenstall

A Winter's Evening on Edenfield Bypass - geograph.org.uk - 1126433A Winter’s Evening on Edenfield Bypass. Taken by Paul Anderson on a miserable January winter’s evening, this is the A56 Edenfield bypass during a heavy snow shower. The Edenfield bypass which links the M65 with the M66 was opened to traffic in May 1978.

A56 Edenfield Bypass Link Road - geograph.org.uk - 314874
A56 Edenfield Bypass Link Road. Edenfield shared in the textile boom of the 18th and 19th centuries, but also has a long farming tradition. This continues today, with open farmland only a few minutes’ walk from the cottage homes in the village. Most of the mills have been demolished or converted to other uses. Much of the land in the area is in the ownership of the National Trust, the result of a bequest by the Porritt family in memory of Richard Porritt, the first Member of Parliament to be killed in action during the Second World War, and many attractive footpaths traverse this area, including a section of the 45-mile Rossendale Way long-distance footpath.
A56 Edenfield Bypass looking North - geograph.org.uk - 1124499
A56 Edenfield Bypass looking North Towards Rossendale and Burnley. Photograph by Robert Wade.
A56 Edenfield Bypass looking South - geograph.org.uk - 1124497
A56 Edenfield Bypass looking South Towards the M66 and M60. Photograph taken by Robert Wade.

Bolton Road North, Edenfield - geograph.org.uk - 883686
Bolton Road North, Edenfield. Bolton Road North links the centre of Edenfield with the main A56 trunk road. The monument on the hill in the distance is Peel Tower on Holcombe Hill.

Boundary Signs, Bury Road - geograph.org.uk - 1149572
Boundary Signs, Bury Road, Edenfield.
Bury Old Road - geograph.org.uk - 1771910

Bury Old Road South of Bleakholt Road, Bury Old Road becomes a track near to the Bleakholt animal sanctuary.

Bury Road, Bolton Road North Junction - geograph.org.uk - 721770
Bury Road, Bolton Road North Junction
Church Lane, Edenfield - geograph.org.uk - 900530
Church Lane, Edenfield Looking west along the lane that serves a few remote houses and links to tracks to Irwell Vale.

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