Referendum on Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan Set for 20th February 2025

The council has confirmed that a referendum on the Edenfield Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 20th February 2025.

Information about the referendum has been published on the council website:

The Referendum Information Statement refers to a series of documents including the draft Neighbourhood plan. Links to them are provided below:

What is a neighbourhood plan?
Neighbourhood plans are prepared by town or parish councils or specially established neighbourhood forums. The Edenfield Neighbourhood plan which has been published by Rossendale Borough Council on their website has been prepared by Edenfield Community Neighbourhood Forum after consultation with residents and others over the last six years.

Who can vote?
A person is entitled to vote in the referendum provided that they are registered to vote and are 18 years or over on Thursday 20th February 2025 and provided that they live at an address in the Neighbourhood Area, shown on the map below. ‘Remember that to cast your vote you must take photo ID to the polling station’.

In the Elections section of the RBC website there is a page that gives all the details of the voting arrangements relating to the referendum.

How does the referendum work?
The referendum will be held within the Edenfield Neighbourhood Area and residents have the chance to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the Plan. Residents will be asked a simple question, “Do you want Rossendale Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Edenfield Neighbourhood Area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” 

The referendum will be held using a similar process to local and national elections, although it is important to note that there will only be one polling station (Edenfield Community Centre on Exchange Street). Residents will receive a polling card. Postal and proxy votes will be possible for any residents who will be away from home or are otherwise unable to vote.

Information about registering to vote is available on the Rossendale Borough Council website, together with information about voting arrangements relating to the referendum:

What happens if the residents vote “yes” in the referendum?
If more than 50% of those who vote are in favour of the neighbourhood plan, Rossendale Borough Council’s planners must take into account the Neighbourhood Plan when considering and deciding future planning applications in the Edenfield Neighbourhood Area.

Further information that we receive will be posted on the website and on our social media pages.

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