The attached notice of consultation relates to Peel’s planning application 2023/0396. There are numerous revised documents on the RBC website (ref 2023/0396) dated 15 August 2024 and one dated 6 September 2024.
Consultees for the original application, dated August 2023, have received the above letter suggesting that a consultation is starting again. The end date isn’t specified in the notice, so ECNF will contact Mike Atherton in the planning department to find out when this will be.
The full application can be read here:
There are 238 documents on the planning website and over 100 comments. A good place to start is by reading the Planning Statement Supplemental Note August 2024. This gives an overview of the changes made since the last submission.
It also makes reference to the Masterplan being approved at Cabinet, this is incorrect, the anticipated date for this decision is 21 September, so the applicant is clearly anticipating that the council will approve Masterplan V5.
The document makes reference to the traffic proposals as being “compliant with the Masterplan” which fails to take account of the fact that the Traffic matters have been excluded from the Masterplan approval process by Rossendale Borough Council !!